I really enjoyed my time in South Carolina. It's another of those here's a tree, there's a tree states. In fact you can't see many sights because the trees get in the way.
I loved the Carolinas Coastal Fair. It was a lot like the EISF except they had a shortage of weirdos. Maybe we should import some for them??? There was this huge Brahma bull there that everyone was playing with. I found it peculiar that they'd have him where everyone could maul him. That's about the time Trevor pointed out he was missing some vital parts, and I took a second look and Trevor was right, it wasn't a Brahma bull after all. And he wasn't a cow either for the really dense people who read this. And who did we say was the Animal Scientist???
We had a nice family visit and played hard with the little girls. Thanks Trevor and Dorothy for letting us come. Dad only got a four day visit. I stayed 10 days.
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