is to wrangle all five kids into one
candid shots? They are always

Rodney Kael likes to watch Japanese cartoon adventures. Gavan prefers U-Tube homemade Lego adventures. Groan. Art is Aspen's life. Her parents would do well to invest in a paper mill. Valencia doesn't let Grandpa out of her sight, except in this picture. (She was still asleep.) Jaiden's favorite activity was sleeping on Grandpa's shoulder.

The three girls can't wait to pose. The two youngest girls are blue eyed. Betcha couldn't tell that?

Originally Dad thought we could take a truck to Iowa and do Thanksgiving at Sharon's as part of a run. As usual at the last possible moment it didn't work out, so we drove the little black car and had a normal vacation type visit. We had a lovely uneventful trip traveling. We made it through five audio books.
We had fun in Iowa! Every road leads to the mall so Sharon and I had no choice but to follow them.
Dad unscrambled Rodney Kael's Rubik's cube and spent his time with the kids. Dad and I were introduced to the boardgame Ticket to Ride. Sharon kicks butt unless her Dad plays.