I didn't tell anyone we were going to Yellowstone because I didn't know we were going until 4 p.m. on Wednesday. I had just stepped out of Cody Jones' office. He took over Matsuura's biz as our eye doctor. Anyway here I am with dialated pupils and blind as a bat and Dad says, come on up to Idaho Falls and ride with me. Luckily the car knew it's way because I couldn't see to drive.
We took just the tractor, or the semi cab. Brent's boss had forgotten he had to have a van (semi trailer) out of the park by the next morning, so Dad saved his bacon.
It is illegal to take a semi into Yellowstone Park. There are signs everywhere telling you that. But they had to get the building materials up there for the new remodeling jobs they just finished and the van we were going after had had insulation in it.
We didn't have to pay to get into the park either. I liked that part. We are illegal plus we were dead beats. My type of trip.
We didn't miss out on anything much with the usual experience except there weren't all that many license plates from exotic spots. Dang. I loved being up high in the truck and being able to look way out over the scenery.
Yes we saw mangy buffalo and retarded elk. We didn't stick around for any of the gorings from the tourists who were all trying to touch them. I know, those were the pictures you were hoping to see.
That is really an ugly cow you got a picture of?