Just when you think I can't get any dumber, I do the same ridiculous thing twice.
Dad and I fell in love with the perfect blooms on the hibiscus plants in Home Depot garden center. The price was right.
Two days later when I reach in the bag to replant the thing outside the blooms are still perfect. I am feeling so good about our choice. Then I find I can't get the paper with the information about the plant off from the flowers. The little critter is on there pretty tight and I am not pulling anything off from the blooming plant. Hark! It hits me. It's plastic.
The plant is real enough underneath, but they had stuck fake blooms on top of the leaves. Oh, well at least I'll have one perfect plant among my flowers.
For those of you who have forgotten, I watered the poinsetta my visiting teaching brought me for Christmas until March. That's when Ryan pointed out it was plastic.
Fantastic. No wonder your Poinsettas don't die!!